I forgive him and pity him but was just plain shocked yesterday...even though he made the first call to me. This shows he still has a spot, a tiny, tiny spot, in his heart for me. He's been a jw for 40 years and is totally under their thumb. He knows there are things wrong with the org but to him it's about Jehovah and he puts up with the org crap out of the sense of superiority serving "Jehovah" and knowing the "true" interpretation of the bible gives him. If fronted with evidence of the org's corruption or proof the bible is not true he'll just ride roughshod over it and drown out the dissenting voice.
I feel for him because at heart he is a decent guy and when I've seen his authentic self break through it is compassionate and caring. I've also seen the jw cult persona too, the callous, cold, superior personality, which is the part that shuns me. Funny, when his authentic compassionate self has come through to other jws over the years I was in, they didn't know how to handle it and were rude to him, which pushed his authentic self further under. A less desirable part of his authentic self, the inferiority complex he grew up with, played into the jw persona which gives him superiority over every non jw in the world. I think it was the kind, compassionate authentiiic self who called me yesterday, but the jw self that ended the conversation.